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Sunday, 22 January 2017

Hack Computers by Netbios Attack...

                  Hack Computers by Netbios Attack...

                                 BY.MICKY VERMA

 How to hack into Computers present on net and small networks.How to steal the Computers data.
Netbios attack

(This article is meant for only educational and  information purpose and not for really performing such  attacks.It is written only for Formality ,from my side you are totally free to perform such things.)
{Make sure you are familiar with common terms such as Ports.}

There can be many ways to hack computers present on internet but I'am going to tell you the most common and simple method to hack into someone's computer i.e.  NETBIOS ATTACK.

Before performing this attack let me give you a summary on what principle it is working.
As we all know that particular services are running at specific ports. Means up to some ports , each port is assigned particular service. For ex.. ftp ( file transfer protocol ) runs on port 21 , telnet runs on port 23,HTTP runs on port 80.
Similarly Netbios service runs on port 139. 

Netbios is nothing but is used for file sharing on network. That means that this can run on port 139. we can access the file by this port 139.
 Now we can perform the Attack.
In most of the cases you can't perform this attack on a particular Computer.

 1:Go to any of your favorite search engine such as Google and Yahoo and search for  "nbtscan.exe" to get a exe file of nbtscan.Once you get it copy the exe file in C-drive-Windows folder in system32 folder so that you can use that at command prompt.

2:Now we have to search for computers with port 139 open on them present on the net or LAN.For this we will use some sort of port scanner such as Superscan(my favorite),provide a range of ip address to it and scan.It will give all the open ports on particular ip address.
See carefully which IP address has port 139 open on it.Note down that IP address.

3:Now our third step:-Start command prompt -Go to start - all programs- accessories-command prompt or go to run and type CMD.A black window will popup in front of you.

4:In that window type the following for performing the attack:-
    nbtscan -v < ip address>    (Tips:Ip address is the address of that computer which has port 139 open.)

    The output will be something like this:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. 
C:\Documents and Settings\DON >nbtscan -v 10.1.A.76 ( A is any numeric value don"t get confused by it ) Doing NBT name scan for addresses from 10.1.A.76
NetBIOS Name Table for Host 10.1.A.76:
Name Service Type





Adapter address: 00-02-44-a8-b8-77

5: See carefully in above table in service if <20> is there then this means some files are being  shared on that computer. Now we will view all the shared files or folders on that computer.For that we will use net command in command prompt.Type the following at command prompt.


This will show you all the shared files and folders on that computer.
Now for example you get to know that temp folder is being shared on that computer.And our last step will be to access the shared files and folders.

6: I know now you want to access the shared files and folder on that computer.
     For that just type the following at the command prompt:
     NET USE C:\\ < IP ADDRESS >\temp 

7:Congrats you have just hacked a computer.Now you can delete,upload or copy the files form that     computer.Go tell to your friends. 

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