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Monday 27 February 2017

How to make PC Jarvis

       How to make PC Jarvis

   Image result for jarvis
                                                                                         BY.MICKY VERMA   
Hello friends:-

 its been a long time since my last article. All of you must have seen IRONMAN (movie series), and I can be assured without any doubts that you’ll be surely a huge fan of JARVIS system.
In IRONMAN movie, it was the JARVIS operating system that helped Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) to complete his required tasks (computer tasks) by voice command and in return also he’d get some reply as some human would reply. Isn’t that amazing?
JARVIS is totally an imaginary system (Artificial Intelligence/Artificial Brain). Eventually we cant have such a huge brain right now, but surely we can develop a small project that works like JARVIS.
So lets get to the topic:
Lets take an instance of what we’re going to work upon on this project.
Give your PC a name like “myPC” so whenever you’ll say “myPC” it will reply “Hello sir” or “Hello yourNAme.”

Example 1:

You: Who are you?
Computer : I’m chitti The robo Speed, 1 terahertz, memory, one zettabyte. (Just Like Rajnikanth’s Movie “robot”, (Enthiran) in Tamil.)
YOU: Good Morning my PC !

COMPUTER : Good Morning Mr. John ! How are you Today !
So by now you surely gotta be wondering how these things are going to work out ? Here you can transform your wondering into reality.
Follow these codes below : (Don’t worry, it doesn’t need any programming skills :D)

How To Make These Command Working?

Things you need :- 

  1. A microphone or internal Microphone
  2. windows 7(or higher)
  3. windows speech macros, download it from here.
Steps:- Install it then make Macros to start work.

Now open notepad and paste Below code in notepad.

For example:-
  • <speechMacros>
  • <commmand>
  • <listenFor>Jarvis</listenFor>
  • <speak>Hello Mr. Stark</speak>
  • </command>
  • </speechMacros>
Paste above code in NotePad and save as “filename.WSRMac”
(WSRMac extention is must for it,)
-Then Goto your WSRMac file and right click on it
-Now click on “import signing Certificate” and automatically it will save a digital signature for it.
Some more command below, that you’d like to work upon. Follow the same procedures for the below commands too.
Example 1 :

  • <speechMacros>

  • <command>

  • <listenFor>anyEnglishName</listenFor>

  • <speak>Hello theNameYouWantInReply</speak>

  • </command>

  • </speechMacros>

Example 2 :

  • <speechMacros>

  • <command>

  • <listenFor>Good Morning yourPCName</listenFor>

  • <speak>Good Morning Sir. how are you today</speak>

  • </command>

  • </speechMacros>

 For Shutting down Computer :-

  • <speechMacros>

  • <command>

  • <listenFor>Nuke it</listenFor>

  • <speak>Restarting Windows</speak>

  • <run command="C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe"/>

  • </command>

  • </speechMacros>

  • To make it more intresting and realastic you need a bit knwoledge of VB.NET

  • here is one example

  • <speechMacros>

  • <command>

  • <listenFor>Time</listenFor>

  • <listenFor>Give me the Time</listenFor>

  • <listenFor>What is the time</listenFor>

  • <listenFor>Tell me the time</listenFor>

  • <listenFor>What time is it</listenFor>

  • <script language="vbscript">

  • <![CDATA[

  • dim currentTime

  • currentTime = FormatDateTime(Time(), 1)

  • Application.Speak Time

  • Application.SetTextFeedback Time

  • ]]>

  • </script>

  • </command>

Now if I have MS Excel work then:-

  • <command priority="100">

  • <listenFor>insert row above</listenFor>

  • <sendKeys>{ALT}jla</sendKeys>

  • </command>

  • <command priority="100">

  • <listenFor>insert row below</listenFor>

  • <sendKeys>{ALT}jle</sendKeys>

  • </command>

  • <command priority="100">

  • <listenFor>insert column before</listenFor>

  • <sendKeys>{ALT}jll</sendKeys>

  • </command>

  • <command priority="100">

  • <listenFor>insert column after</listenFor>

  • <sendKeys>{ALT}jlr</sendKeys>

  • </command>

  • <command priority="100">

  • <listenFor>merge cells</listenFor>

  • <sendKeys>{ALT}jlm</sendKeys>

  • </command>

  • <command priority="100">

  • <listenFor>split table</listenFor>

  • <sendKeys>{ALT}jlq</sendKeys>

  • </command>

  • <command priority="100">

  • <listenFor>delte row</listenFor>

  • <listenFor>delte rows</listenFor>

  • <sendKeys>{ALT}jdr</sendKeys>

  • </command>

  • <command priority="100">

  • <listenFor>delete column</listenFor>

  • <listenFor>delete columns</listenFor>

  • <sendKeys>{ALT}jdc</sendKeys>

  • </command>

  • <command priority="100">

  • <listenFor>?show table properties</listenFor>

  • <sendKeys>{ALT}jdo</sendKeys>

  • </command>

  • <command priority="100">

  • <listenFor>?show ?hide table gridlines</listenFor>

  • <sendKeys>{ALT}jltg</sendKeys>

  • </command>

Track changes in Music:-

  • <command priority="100">

  • <listenFor>next change</listenFor>

  • <sendKeys>{ALT}rh</sendKeys>

  • </command>

  • <command priority="100">

  • <listenFor>accept change</listenFor>

  • <sendKeys>{ALT}rac</sendKeys>

  • </command>

  • To click

  • <command priority="100">

  • <listenFor>?mouse click</listenFor> <mouse button="left" command="click" />

  • </command>

Now Open Speech recognition And Say Your Command. Enjoy Talking to your Computer ! :D
If you need codes of any other command leave comment below, and I will try to give you source codes.

 Image result for jarvis 

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