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Saturday 3 June 2017

What is WannaCry Ransomware And How to Protect Yourself?

What is WannaCry Ransomware And How to Protect Yourself?

   Image result for wanna cry ransomware
                                                                                                BY.MICKY VERMA

WannaCry is affecting computers worldwide. It becomes the biggest Cyber Threat worldwide. 

Approx 200,000 computers and 150 countries hit till now. Which including companies and National Health service. Some of the organisation didn't update their system that's the reason their systems are vulnerable to Ransomware attack.

WannaCry is a Ransomware, once it installed in the system, it encrypts all files of the computer and pops up the message to Pay a Ransom in Bitcoin for unlocking the system. It spread through local networks without your knowledge. This Ransomware comes from an NSA Exploit known as EternalBlue, which was stolen by Hackers group Shadow Broker.

EternalBlue exploits vulnerability MS17-010 in Microsoft's implementation of the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. Microsoft had released a "Critical" advisory, along with an update patch to plug the vulnerability a month before, on 14 March 2017.

Microsoft also updated for the unsupported version including Windows XP, Windows 8 and Windows Server 2003.

Below domain name is hidden in the Malware of WannaCry.


The domain is using for spreading WannaCry like a worm. Ransomware is spreading so far, and Cyber Security Experts says it is expected to come again with new cyber attack on Monday.

Image result for wanna cry ransomware

How To Protect?

  • Install New Security Updates
  • Do not open any unknown E-Mail attachment
  • To disable SMB
  • Enable Internet Security and Firewall
  • Take your PC backup
  • Beware Social Engineering and Phishing Attack
  • Do not Run any older version of Windows (XP,8 or Server 2003)

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