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Monday 28 August 2017


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                                          BY.MICKY VERMA

Hacking the playground with Kali Linux

This leads to the next major change in structure, as in previous years a commonly heard question was “Great! I have this beautiful Kali install, now what do I do with it?”. This year, we have a great answer for this: Hack our systems!
Our good friends at Offensive Security have been gracious enough to provide us with a number of systems that have been preconfigured with interesting and unique vulnerabilities. This environment will will be setup in the room, and attendees can connect into it and put Kali Linux to use, hacking these systems to your hearts content. Whats more, we will be providing some extra incentive for you to hack all the things, by giving away prizes to those that obtain the highest score.

Our cool giveaways in the Playground CTF

Here are a few pics of the Kali hardware we’ll be giving away to our contest winners in the Kali Dojo CTF:

What to bring if you want to attend:

Now that we have your attention, here’s what you need to bring!
  • Powerful 64bit laptop with Kali Rolling (!) installed in a VM or natively.
  • At least 40 GB free space in the VM or laptop for generating ISOs
  • 8GB USB 3.0 stick (or larger) for creating Kali Live USBs.
We will have Kali VMWare images for you to download on site – so if you choose this option, make sure you have the latest VMware Workstation of Fusion installed. Yes, make sure it’s the LATEST version!

Come say hello!

Thats right. You can get a pre-release version of Kali Linux before its available to the public, you can customize it to yours hearts content. And then you can use it to hack vulnerable machines to accumulate points. And we will give you free stuff for doing all this. We know there is a lot going on at Black Hat Vegas, as the convention gets better every year. We do hope that you budget some time to drop on the Kali Dojo on Aug. 4th, as we will be going all day.


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