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Saturday 2 September 2017

MIni-X Kali Linux

                      MIni-X Kali Linux
 Image result for kali linux hacking gif
                                                                                               BY.MICKY VERMA
If all you want to do is install Kali on your Mini-X, follow these instructions:
  1. Get a nice fast 8 GB micro SD card.
  2. Download the Kali Mini-X image from our downloads area.
  3. Use the dd utility to image this file to your microSD card. In our example, we use a microSD which is located at /dev/sdbChange this as needed.
Alert! This process will wipe out your SD card. If you choose the wrong storage device, you may wipe out your computers hard disk.
xzcat kali-$version-mini-x.img.xz | dd of=/dev/sdb bs=512k
This process can take awhile depending on your device speed and image size.
Once the dd operation is complete, boot up the Mini-X with the microSD plugged in. Log in to Kali (root / toor), that’s it, you’re done!

Kali on Mini-X – Developer Instructions

If you are a developer and want to tinker with the Kali Mini-X image, including changing the kernel configuration and generally being adventurous, check out the kali-arm-build-scriptsrepository on GitHub, and follow the README.md file’s instructions. The script to use is mini-x.sh

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