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Friday 8 September 2017



                                 Image result for OPEN SUSE HD PNG
                                                                                                      BY.MICKY VERMA
Step 1 - Download OpenSuSe Leap ISO
Download OpenSUSE Leap from the OpenSUSE site.
Burn the iso file to a DVD or use a bootable USB as installation media with that iso file, then boot the computer with this boot media.

Step 2 - Installation

After you create the installation media and booted your computer with it, and the first openSuSe leap prompt will appear. At that prompt select "Installation".
Installation of OpenSUSE Leap 42.1
The kernel will load some debugging messages, just dont care and wait for the next screen to appear.

Step 3 - Language and Keyboard Configuration

This is the first welcome message, you can choose your language and keyboard layout in this step. You can read the OpenSUSE license agreement too, then click "Next".
Language and Keybord Configuration

Step 4 - Installation Options

Leave the default configuration and click "Next".
Installation Options

Step 5 - Partition Scheme

Note: in this tutorial, I use 20GB of HDD space with 2GB of RAM.
By default, the installer will provide the default partition scheme. The Installer will create 3 partitions:
  1. SWAP - 2GB.
  2. Btrfs as root partition - 12GB.
  3. Xfs as a home partition - 6GB.
I use default partition scheme from the installer and I just need to click "Next"
Default Partitions OpenSUSE Leap
If you want to configure your own partition, you can click on "Expert Partitioner" and define the desired partitions.
Expert Partition option OpenSUSE Leap 42.1

Step 6 - Select the Time Zone

Select your time zone and then click "Next".
Time Zone Configuration OpenSUSE Leap 42.1

Step 7 - Choose a Desktop Environment

By default, OpenSuSe leap will use KDE as the desktop environment. If you have enough RAM, you can select this one or use Gnome. If you have a small amount of RAM, I recommend you to use XFCE or LXDE as your desktop environment.
If you want to use it as a server, you can select "Minimal Server Selection".
In this step, I will use KDE as the desktop environment, so just click "Next" to forward.
Select KDE as Desktop Environment for OpenSUSE Leap 42.1
If you want to select another desktop environment.
Other Desktop Environment for OpenSUSE Leap 42.1

Step 8 - Create New User

Create a new user for OpenSUSE, type in your username and password. If you want to disable auto login, uncheck that option and click "Next".
Create New User for OpenSUSE Leap 42.1

Step 9 - Verify the Installation

Take a look at the box to verify your installation settings, and then click "Install".
Verifiy Installation Settings
And then confirm the installation by clicking on "Install".
Confirm Installation OpenSUSE Leap 42.1

Step 10 - Start the Installation

OpenSuSe Leap installation will begin now, take your time and wait until the process finished.
Installation OpenSUSE Leap is begin
The computer will automatically reboot after the installation finished and you have to remove your media installation or bootable from your computer.

Step 11 - OpenSUSE Leap 42.1

You will see the OpenSUSE leap grub prompt, select "OpenSUSE Leap 42.1" and press Enter.
And then you can see the OpenSUSE KDE plasma 5 desktop.
OpenSUSE Leap KDE Plasma 5 Desktop
there is no login option because I checked the option automatic login in the installation step 8.
OpenSUSE Leap with KDE 5 - Menu.
OpenSUSE Leap KDE 5 menu
OpenSUSE Leap with KDE 5 - File Manager, Dolphin.

OpenSUSE Leap KD5 File Manager Dolphin
The installation of OpenSUSE Leap 42.1 has been finished successfully.
                                    Related image

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